8 Fashion Tips to Make You Look Amazing

8 Fashion Tips to Make You Look Amazing

Fashion Tips to style every look in your wardrobe will help you feel confident in your fashion sense.

  • Create a capsule wardrobe. Have a few staples. A capsule wardrobe of mix-and match basics is key to looking well-put together.
  • Make sure you have the perfect fit. Hiring a tailor is a great way to make any clothing item look extraordinary. Tailored clothing looks more polished and is also more comfortable. You won’t feel fashionable if your pants drag or your dresses bunch up in an awkward way. You can experiment with different sizes and styles if your capsule wardrobe is well-fitted.
  • How to balance proportions. Style your clothes to create an aesthetic harmony. This is achieved by wearing clothes that fit your body. If you are looking to experiment with unusual shapes or large clothes, keep the rest of your look tailored. Try pairing tight crop tops with wide-leg jeans or puff-shoulder tops with straight-leg trousers.
  • Discover your style. It can take many years to develop a style, but you can start by creating a moodboard. Personal style is an experiment. You never know what incredible looks you might find until you get in the dressing room. You shouldn’t be limited by the categories of “menswear”, “womenswear,” or “womenswear”. You can experiment with different colors and shapes to find the right fit for you.
  • Learn how to shop for the exact items you desire and avoid having a cluttered closet. Style will be easy when your wardrobe is filled with pieces you love.
  • Add a Belt. A belt can make an outfit appear more polished. You can also add balance to an outfit that might otherwise not work, such as a long cashmere sweater or a billowy midi skirt.
  • Have fun with color. Start with one piece of color and keep the rest neutral. You’ll become more comfortable with color and learn which combinations work best for you. For inspiration, take a look at the color wheel.
  • Mix textures and patterns. No more matching your handbag with your shoes. Clashing textures and bold prints are a fashion statement. You can start small with neutral patterns such as stripes or low-key textures such leather and knits. Then, add in sequins to small amounts (like a scarf or tie) until you find what works best for you.

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