High Heels for Men: A Fashion Statement or a Faux Pas?

High heels are not just for women anymore. More and more men are embracing this footwear trend, whether it’s for adding some height, expressing their personality, or making a bold fashion statement. But what are the benefits and drawbacks of wearing High heels for men? How can you pull off this look without looking ridiculous? And what are some of the best styles and brands of high heels for men? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, as we explore the fascinating world of high heels for men.

High heels have a long and rich history, dating back to ancient times. They were originally worn by men, not women, for practical purposes such as riding horses, walking on uneven terrain, or displaying social status. In fact, some of the most powerful and influential men in history, such as Louis XIV, Napoleon, and Abraham Lincoln, wore high heels at some point in their lives.

However, over time, high heels became associated with femininity, sexuality, and glamour, and were adopted by women as a fashion accessory. Men who wore high heels were often ridiculed, mocked, or discriminated against, as they were seen as violating the norms of masculinity and gender roles.

But in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in high heels for men, especially among celebrities, musicians, and fashion designers. Some of the famous names who have rocked high heels for men include Prince, David Bowie, Elton John, Kanye West, Harry Styles, and Timothée Chalamet. These men have shown that high heels can be worn by anyone, regardless of gender, and that they can enhance one’s style, confidence, and creativity.

But wearing high heels for men is not without its challenges. There are many factors to consider, such as comfort, health, safety, and social acceptance. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and tricks on how to wear high heels for men, as well as some of the best options available on the market.

Why Wear High Heels for Men?

There are many reasons why men might want to wear high heels, such as:

Height: One of the most obvious benefits of wearing high heels is that they can make you taller. This can be helpful if you are self-conscious about your height, or if you want to match your partner’s height. Wearing high heels can also improve your posture and make you look more slender and elegant.

Personality: Wearing high heels can also be a way of expressing your personality, style, and individuality. High heels can add some flair, color, and drama to your outfit, and make you stand out from the crowd. You can choose from a variety of styles, shapes, colors, and materials, depending on your mood, occasion, and preference.

Fashion: Wearing high heels can also be a fashion statement, as they can complement and enhance your overall look. High heels can make your legs look longer and more muscular, and your feet look smaller and more delicate. They can also create a contrast between your masculine and feminine features, creating a unique and intriguing appearance.

Fun: Wearing high heels can also be fun, as they can make you feel more playful, adventurous, and confident. High heels can make you feel like you are walking on a runway, or like you are a rock star, or like you are a superhero. They can also make you feel more attractive, sexy, and powerful, as they can boost your self-esteem and charisma.

How to Wear High Heels for Men?

Wearing high heels for men can be tricky, as they can cause some discomfort, pain, or injury, if not worn properly. They can also attract some unwanted attention, criticism, or judgment, if not worn appropriately. Here are some tips on how to wear high heels for men safely and stylishly:

Choose the right size and fit: The most important thing to consider when wearing high heels for men is to choose the right size and fit. If the shoes are too big, they can slip off your feet, or cause blisters, corns, or calluses. If the shoes are too small, they can squeeze your toes, or cause bunions, hammertoes, or ingrown toenails. You should also choose the right width, arch support, and heel height, depending on your foot shape, size, and comfort level. You can measure your feet, or try on different shoes, to find the best fit for you.

Break in your shoes: Another thing to consider when wearing high heels for men is to break in your shoes before wearing them for a long time. This can help you avoid some of the common problems associated with wearing new shoes, such as rubbing, chafing, or pinching. You can break in your shoes by wearing them around the house, or by using some methods, such as stretching, heating, freezing, or padding, to make them more comfortable and flexible.

Take care of your feet: Wearing high heels for men can also take a toll on your feet, as they can put a lot of pressure, strain, and stress on your toes, heels, ankles, and arches. This can lead to some foot problems, such as swelling, inflammation, pain, or injury. To prevent or treat these problems, you should take care of your feet by doing some exercises, massages, or stretches, to improve your blood circulation, flexibility, and strength. You should also use some products, such as moisturizers, creams, or powders, to keep your feet hydrated, smooth, and fresh. You should also wear some accessories, such as socks, insoles, or cushions, to protect your feet from friction, shock, or impact.

Balance your outfit: Wearing high heels for men can also affect your outfit, as they can create a different silhouette, proportion, and balance. To make your outfit look harmonious and flattering, you should balance your outfit by choosing the right clothes, accessories, and colors, that match your shoes and your body type. For example, you can wear slim-fit pants, or roll up your cuffs, to show off your shoes and your legs. You can also wear a jacket, or a vest, to add some structure and definition to your upper body. You can also wear some jewelry, or a scarf, to add some interest and contrast to your look. You can also wear some neutral, dark, or solid colors, to create a sleek and sophisticated look.

Be confident and have fun: The most important thing to remember when wearing high heels for men is to be confident and have fun. Wearing high heels can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, as long as you are comfortable and happy with your choice. You should not let anyone else’s opinion, or judgment, affect your decision, or your mood. You should wear high heels for yourself, not for others. You should also embrace your style, and your personality, and not be afraid to experiment, or to express yourself. You should also have fun, and enjoy the feeling of wearing high heels, and the benefits they can bring to your life.

What are the Best High Heels for Men?

There are many types of high heels for men, ranging from subtle and discreet, to bold and extravagant. Some of the most popular and common types of high heels for men are:

Cuban heels: Cuban heels are one of the most classic and traditional types of high heels for men. They are characterized by a low to medium heel, usually around 1 to 2 inches, that is tapered and curved at the back. They are often found on boots, such as Chelsea boots, or cowboy boots, or on shoes, such as loafers, or oxfords. They are suitable for casual, formal, or professional occasions, as they can add some height and elegance, without being too noticeable or flashy. Some of the best brands of Cuban heels for men are Saint Laurent, Gucci, and Prada.
Wedge heels: Wedge heels are one of the most comfortable and stable types of high heels for men. They are characterized by a heel that runs along the entire length of the shoe, creating a wedge-shaped sole. They are often found on sneakers, such as Converse, or Vans, or on sandals, such as Birkenstocks, or Crocs. They are suitable for casual, sporty, or relaxed occasions, as they can add some height and support, without compromising your mobility or balance. Some of the best brands of wedge heels for men are Nike, Adidas, and Puma.
Platform heels: Platform heels are one of the most dramatic and daring types of high heels for men. They are characterized by a thick and flat sole, usually around 2 to 4 inches, that adds some height and volume to the shoe. They are often found on boots, such as Dr. Martens, or Timberlands, or on shoes, such as Oxfords, or Brogues. They are suitable for edgy, trendy, or alternative occasions, as they can add some flair and attitude, without being too feminine or glamorous. Some of the best brands of platform heels for men are Alexander McQueen, Rick Owens, and Balenciaga.
Stiletto heels: Stiletto heels are one of the most glamorous and sexy types of high heels for men. They are characterized by a thin and high heel, usually around 4 to 6 inches, that is pointed and sharp at the back. They are often found on pumps, such as Louboutins, or Jimmy Choos, or on sandals,

such as Manolo Blahniks, or Giuseppe Zanottis. They are suitable for glamorous, fancy, or special occasions, as they can add some sparkle and sophistication, without being too masculine or boring. Some of the best brands of stiletto heels for men are Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, and Giuseppe Zanotti.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about high heels for men:

Are high heels for men bad for your health?

Wearing high heels for men can have some negative effects on your health, such as causing foot pain, back pain, knee pain, or ankle sprains. However, these effects can be minimized or prevented by choosing the right size and fit, breaking in your shoes, taking care of your feet, and wearing high heels for short periods of time, or on special occasions.

Are high heels for men socially acceptable?

Wearing high heels for men can be socially acceptable, depending on the context, culture, and environment. In some places, such as Europe, Asia, or Latin America, wearing high heels for men can be more common and accepted, as they are part of the local fashion, tradition, or expression. In other places, such as North America, Australia, or Africa, wearing high heels for men can be more rare and frowned upon, as they are seen as a violation of the social norms, expectations, or values. However, the social acceptance of high heels for men can also vary depending on the individual, the occasion, and the style.

How to walk in high heels for men?

Walking in high heels for men can be challenging, as it requires some practice, skill, and confidence. Here are some tips on how to walk in high heels for men:

  • – Start with low and comfortable heels, and gradually work your way up to higher and more difficult ones.- Wear shoes that fit well, and that have some cushioning, support, and grip.
  • Stand up straight, and keep your shoulders back, your chest out, and your chin up.
  • Take small and steady steps, and place your heel down first, followed by your toe.
  • Keep your feet parallel, and avoid crossing your legs, or pointing your toes inward or outward.
  • Swing your arms naturally, and keep your balance by engaging your core muscles.
  • Look ahead, and avoid looking down at your feet, or at the ground.
  • Practice walking on different surfaces, such as carpet, tile, wood, or concrete.
  • Practice walking in front of a mirror, or with a friend, or with a video camera, to check your posture, gait, and style.


High heels for men are a fascinating and controversial footwear trend, that can have many benefits and drawbacks, depending on how you wear them, and why you wear them. High heels for men can make you taller, express your personality, enhance your fashion, and have fun. However, high heels for men can also cause some discomfort, pain, or injury, and attract some criticism, or judgment. Therefore, you should wear high heels for men with caution, care, and confidence, and choose the best high heels for men that suit your needs, preferences, and goals.